Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blog Test

I very much agree with the critical thoughts of Northrop Frye. Fry's ideas on the tragic hero fit in perfectly with Shakespeares play of Othello. The charachter Othello is both directly and indirectly effected by the tragedy; 'victimized' as well as 'being the instrument.' Following along with Frye's metaphor of the probability of a lightning bolt hitting a giant tree rather than a small patch of grass. It would be devastating if during a large thunder storm that your beautiful oak tree was destroyed by lightning and then your the only hope that still remained in your garden was that at least your flower beds would still be in tact was shattered when you discover that every little thing had been destroyed. This is the exact same thing with Othello. All though Othello is your giant tree that is wiped out you simply can not believe that everyone else that you once loved, respected, and trusted was gone as well.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the bad eggs

I think that all people are born good. all acts of evil come from the things affecting a person growing up. so people who have a negitive childhood are the ones turning out evil. so its all on you parents to decide weather or not we turn into mass murdurers. no its not just the parentals fault kids who were teased aover the years are building up inside with anger and eventually are going to explode. also illnesses can have an effect in the end. when people cant help how they act they cant help if they are evil or not. so no you are not born on the dark side you some how transfer over...

Friday, November 9, 2007

lovie dovie

love is super complicated
because when you actually fall in love, everything that was before is no longer the same. what i am trying to say is that it is such a different emotion that when you experience it for the first time and maybe the only time you go crazy.

i mean i have never been in love before or anything, the above is simply my opinion as of how it works or should work.

it really bothers me when couples in high school are all like we are in love and stuff. i am just like come on yall, you arent in love. you may love one another but you arent IN LOVE! like this one friend of mine, her and her boyfriend are all like "the relationship we share is just above the rest of you guys who havent discovered your soulmate yet" and the rest of us just look at her for a second of silence and then burst into laughter and then she is all " see what i mean you guys you are just too imature to undedrstand"

Friday, November 2, 2007

the teenage life

well since i am a girl ...
drama is the biggest difficulty in my life.
whether it be with
my friends
boys or
my family (most likely my dad).
its not like i am super dramatic
and suck it
out of people but
it happens
more offten
than i would prefer.

and i must
that i dont really
try to
stop it.
i think that as
much of an unplesant distraction
it is we still
how to function
out it.

Friday, October 26, 2007

i almost forgot!

my dads first cousin was a freakin movie star! i know its awesome.

he was the main charcter in the movie midnight express.
i think it was about a man who went to a foriegn country and some how got involved in drugs and the law.
bad combination.
so he goes to a prison where he is treated very badly by the guards. also while he is in prison he is trying to get out by getting in contact with the american embacy.

well i suck at sumarizing movies, especially when i haven't seen them. you see the movie is rated R and i was never aloud to watch it. but now that i am reminded of it i will put it on my netflix.

his name was brad davis. unfortunatly h e got cought up in the holywood lifestyle and had a cocaine addiction. from this he contracted AIDS, and died at age 41.

well i suck at technology..

the lamb blog spot went to the dogs, no offense blog master riley. so here are my thoughts on christopher moore's book.

- i thought that it was a realy interesting and funny book.

-i really didnt like when biff and maggie had sex. it was just really not somthin g that i wanted to hear about two twelve year olds participating in. like i know that for people in those days it was completly normal but i just could never think of them in them as the inocent children as they were before. i liked the yongness of them that moore showed when they would play games and then bam they did it. i hated that part

-now i could have sworn that in some sunday school lesson i was tought that jesus didnt meet the wise men until he was about three years old. yes they stated their journey when the star was in the sky, so since they were walking and all they ended up meeting jesus and giving him the frankincinse, gold, and myhr around his third birthday. so whaen this random fact popped in to my head i started to think how much of this story is actualy true to the bible. i mean yeah i have been going to church since birth and pretty much know all of the bible basics, but i mean i dont really find the basics to come in handy when your are analyzing the retelling of christ life.

christmas everything

every single year around the holiday of thanksgiving our mailbox begins to fill up with catalogs selling expensive children cloths; not regular cloths, these are christmas themed. each page is filled with smiling boys and girls wearing matching sunday dresses and sweaters. on ocasion they even manage to get the whole family to match. its great. anyway my grandmother every year picks out an outfit, most likly matching, to wear for chrismas festivities. these festivities consist of things such as...
-waiting, waiting, and waiting in phipps plaza to take a picture on what my mom always said was the prettiest santa's knee
-the christmas eve sevice at the church, where me and my brother awaited the day that we would be able to hold the candel all by ourselves
-and of chorse the following afternoon, christmas day, when we would all go to my grandmothers house and one last time put on the dress and the large ribbon in my hair the whole time thinking at least i wont have to wear it again after this!

but you cant buy a christmas dress and not christmas pajamas. so yes, all of the cousins would each year would wear matching x-mas pjs. one year they would be red and green striped long johns and the next year covered in animals from the north pole.

but what sucked the most about all of the stuff was that the clothes and pajamas would come at least a month before christmas. so that dress hanging in my closet and the pajamas sealed up in a bag on my dresser became an evil reminder of how far away
christmas was.

Friday, October 12, 2007

ghetto oedipus

all of this fate and free will stuff is super confusing. even after discusson after discussion after discusion, i sill feel quite confused. not in the way that i dont know what is going on but that i have now even more unanswered questions than i did before.

what if you could change your fate
who decides your fate
when wil you reach your fate
whare will your fate take you
and how are you able to live your own life when the outcome has already been decided.
we have been in the other direction as well. questioning if fate is even in existance.

since the last blog i have not really made much progress on my personal opinion. we can never really know the truth behind it unless we had personal experience therefore i have been baseing my thoughts off of those of others. i have not had a fate based experience and i feel that is the only way i could truly come to a verdict. untill then i will simply hope someone else finds the soulution. until then i will live my life just wondering if my life has already been determined

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

free will or fate?.......

this is a challenging question. mainly because i cant think of an experience to back my decision or even help me come to a decision. i think free will and fate can sometimes tie in together. like when you follow your heart that will assure the outcome of your fate. but if you go around second guessing yourself all of the time or making your decision based off of others then it is your insecurity or someone else determining your outcome in life. where with fate your life is already planned out. you could also argue that if you really have a fate in life then it will happen no matter what choices are made. that things will, in the end, balence out and you will follow through with your destiny.
i would like to believe that you have a fate just so some of the pressure is lifted off of your shoulders. you can do whatever and no matter what, you will acomplish the same thing. but what if your fate ended negativly. then it would suck to live your life knowing that it just a pile of crap and you had no ability to change it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

would you rather?

I would definetly rather live an average joe life until i was eighty as opposed to a fabulous rich and faomous life till i was twenty. As they say life gets so amazing when you make it over the hill. wether it is amazingyl boring or amazingly great, i would like to decide based on my own experience.Ii do have to admit that the fabulus life is in the back of my mind. i mean who wouldnt love to be rembered for thousands of years and have so much fun every night of their life? but then you are reminded that dying that soon you would be missing out on so much of everything.

Friday, September 14, 2007

childhood memories

I spacifically remember loving the Disney movie Pochahontas. I was practicaly obsessed. I would go to school with one arm out of its sleve because i just had to look like her. I think I was even Pochahontas not once for halloween but twice. I rember thinking John Smith was one of the most handsome men. Now i know that in real life he was a fat old english man. It kind of kills the fantasy. But even so i still love the movie and i always will.

Friday, September 7, 2007

siddhartha and philosophy

I think that the location of our mentality as well as the age has an impact on our philosophyand way of thinking. Siddhartha was written in the early 1900s by a german man. So it is not only written by a man from a different culture than our own but he is also writing about a different culture than his own.

Friday, August 31, 2007

high school metaphor

High school could easily be compared to a wave. Waves that line the coast. Before waves roll on to the shore they are out at sea just waiting with all of the other waves. We start out as freshmen and are unsure about everything. All the other waves are your friends from middle school who are also waiting to get into the scene and stereotypes of high school. As you near the end of your freshman year and the duration of your sophomaore year you are getting sucked closer and closer to shore. You begin to hang around with upper classmen, attend parties, you may even throw your own party. Once you are at the peak of the wave , the highest point of intensity, you have made it to your jounior year. You start to struggle to stay on top. In the final stage of the wave you fold over and are rushing at top speed toward the beach. As a senior you are having as much fun as possible, yet at the same time you are reminded that the future, or the beach, is closer than you think. Finally the wave hits land and you are done. Now you feel alone again but in a different way. You now have to face the challenges of being out on your own. You no longer have the your parents, or the gulf, protecting you. You are forced to relearn your surroundings and ride another wave all over again.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

icons are fun

The Olympic representing are a major icon. Representing peace and fellowship they are known worldwide. It is a way to bring nations together through entertainment and competition. It also represents tradition and consistancy because of the fact that it happens anually. It represents motivation and passion. The atheletes train all their life with the hopes of winning an object plated in gold. The five different colors on each individual ring reflrect the diversity of those involved.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Every great magic trick consists of three great parts or acts. The first part is called the "The Pledge." The magician shows you somthing ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird, or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn." The magician takes the ordinary somthing and makes it do somthing extrodanary. Now you're looking for the secreat... but you wont find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really know what to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making somthing disapear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige."
-Cutter "The Prestige"

I choose this passage not only because I like the movie but I can relate it to my life. No I am not a magician. The obvious relation is that my life is that it has three parts; begining, middle, and end. Hopefully each part better than the last. I don't think that I am exactly as people see me to be, just like if you looked furthur into the ordinary object you would see that it isn't very ordinary afterall.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by
The rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes
And leap...

It's time to try defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you can't pull me down


I saw this play in New York a couple years ago and really enjoyed it! I'd like to think that I am as motivated as this but unfortunatly am not. So i will try somthing new. I put this on here to remind me to work to my greatest ability.