Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blog Test

I very much agree with the critical thoughts of Northrop Frye. Fry's ideas on the tragic hero fit in perfectly with Shakespeares play of Othello. The charachter Othello is both directly and indirectly effected by the tragedy; 'victimized' as well as 'being the instrument.' Following along with Frye's metaphor of the probability of a lightning bolt hitting a giant tree rather than a small patch of grass. It would be devastating if during a large thunder storm that your beautiful oak tree was destroyed by lightning and then your the only hope that still remained in your garden was that at least your flower beds would still be in tact was shattered when you discover that every little thing had been destroyed. This is the exact same thing with Othello. All though Othello is your giant tree that is wiped out you simply can not believe that everyone else that you once loved, respected, and trusted was gone as well.