Monday, September 17, 2007

would you rather?

I would definetly rather live an average joe life until i was eighty as opposed to a fabulous rich and faomous life till i was twenty. As they say life gets so amazing when you make it over the hill. wether it is amazingyl boring or amazingly great, i would like to decide based on my own experience.Ii do have to admit that the fabulus life is in the back of my mind. i mean who wouldnt love to be rembered for thousands of years and have so much fun every night of their life? but then you are reminded that dying that soon you would be missing out on so much of everything.


tknapp said...

Thats a really good point. Ding young youd be missing out on the excitement of age.

Anne Clairemont said...

you had some good points. good job.

Anonymous said...

I like how you said you cannot no how bad being oldis until you have experienced it.