Friday, August 31, 2007

high school metaphor

High school could easily be compared to a wave. Waves that line the coast. Before waves roll on to the shore they are out at sea just waiting with all of the other waves. We start out as freshmen and are unsure about everything. All the other waves are your friends from middle school who are also waiting to get into the scene and stereotypes of high school. As you near the end of your freshman year and the duration of your sophomaore year you are getting sucked closer and closer to shore. You begin to hang around with upper classmen, attend parties, you may even throw your own party. Once you are at the peak of the wave , the highest point of intensity, you have made it to your jounior year. You start to struggle to stay on top. In the final stage of the wave you fold over and are rushing at top speed toward the beach. As a senior you are having as much fun as possible, yet at the same time you are reminded that the future, or the beach, is closer than you think. Finally the wave hits land and you are done. Now you feel alone again but in a different way. You now have to face the challenges of being out on your own. You no longer have the your parents, or the gulf, protecting you. You are forced to relearn your surroundings and ride another wave all over again.

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