Friday, October 12, 2007

ghetto oedipus

all of this fate and free will stuff is super confusing. even after discusson after discussion after discusion, i sill feel quite confused. not in the way that i dont know what is going on but that i have now even more unanswered questions than i did before.

what if you could change your fate
who decides your fate
when wil you reach your fate
whare will your fate take you
and how are you able to live your own life when the outcome has already been decided.
we have been in the other direction as well. questioning if fate is even in existance.

since the last blog i have not really made much progress on my personal opinion. we can never really know the truth behind it unless we had personal experience therefore i have been baseing my thoughts off of those of others. i have not had a fate based experience and i feel that is the only way i could truly come to a verdict. untill then i will simply hope someone else finds the soulution. until then i will live my life just wondering if my life has already been determined

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