Friday, October 26, 2007

well i suck at technology..

the lamb blog spot went to the dogs, no offense blog master riley. so here are my thoughts on christopher moore's book.

- i thought that it was a realy interesting and funny book.

-i really didnt like when biff and maggie had sex. it was just really not somthin g that i wanted to hear about two twelve year olds participating in. like i know that for people in those days it was completly normal but i just could never think of them in them as the inocent children as they were before. i liked the yongness of them that moore showed when they would play games and then bam they did it. i hated that part

-now i could have sworn that in some sunday school lesson i was tought that jesus didnt meet the wise men until he was about three years old. yes they stated their journey when the star was in the sky, so since they were walking and all they ended up meeting jesus and giving him the frankincinse, gold, and myhr around his third birthday. so whaen this random fact popped in to my head i started to think how much of this story is actualy true to the bible. i mean yeah i have been going to church since birth and pretty much know all of the bible basics, but i mean i dont really find the basics to come in handy when your are analyzing the retelling of christ life.

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